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Thread: How Came To By The Lx-470

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Coloradobus et al

    We are looking for a replacement towed vehicle. We currently use an old 1989 Honda Accord which is ok, but lacks room and is difficult to say the least for me at 6'2 & 250lbs to enter/exit. Anyway, we have a 99 Lexus LX470 and would love to use this vehicle for a about in plain english , the yes/no and the how's? Sure would to make things easier than trading vehicles.

  2. #12
    lewpopp Guest



    We are about ready to sell out coach and retire to a house. I have a brand new 2008 saturn Outlok and I will not need this vehicle with all of the equipment on it. I trully like this car. I even have car cover to cover it while towing it cuz I care for it that much.

    In addition to the towing equip (Air Force One) I have it wired so I won't have to remove the fuse when I tow. More explaination is need on that later.

    The problem is, I would like to have the same thing and what is my current vehicle worth with all the hookups? Don't know. We'd have to research that.

    Send me aprivate message or email if you are interested.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Indian Hills


    GDeen, we are currently Airstreaming in the new to us 1984 279 motorhome without towed. the LX is a bit too heavy for the airstream/P-30 chevy chassis to tow. We are looking at a 2004 Wrangler Rubicon for that coach.
    The bus pulls the LX without trouble. We put the LX into tranny neutral, then transfer neutral, then turn engine off, place transmission into PARK, and make sure key, better to use the valet key, is in place turned all the way counter clockwise like you are going to pull it out but DON'T. Your set!

    We use a BlueOx Baseplate, installed ourselves, 4 bolts, and ran a wire from the baseplate plug to a T-Bar light bar that goes inot the hitch reciever and we are off. Towed the LX now for 7,700 miles without incident.
    BlueOx makes a base for the GX too
    Jim and Chris
    2001 Featherlite Vogue XLV 2 slide with Rivets-current coach, 1999 shell
    Previous 22 years,
    We have owned every kind of Prevost shell but an H3-40

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Austin, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Coloradobus View Post
    GDeen, we are currently Airstreaming in the new to us 1984 279 motorhome without towed. the LX is a bit too heavy for the airstream/P-30 chevy chassis to tow. We are looking at a 2004 Wrangler Rubicon for that coach.
    The bus pulls the LX without trouble. We put the LX into tranny neutral, then transfer neutral, then turn engine off, place transmission into PARK, and make sure key, better to use the valet key, is in place turned all the way counter clockwise like you are going to pull it out but DON'T. Your set!

    We use a BlueOx Baseplate, installed ourselves, 4 bolts, and ran a wire from the baseplate plug to a T-Bar light bar that goes inot the hitch reciever and we are off. Towed the LX now for 7,700 miles without incident.
    BlueOx makes a base for the GX too
    Good deal, thanks Jim.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    The resurrection of this thread is intentional. I am a relatively new Prevost owner and have been searching for my ideal "toad". Like those here and elsewhere on the Internet, the Toyota Land Cruiser Model 100 and its dressed up twin the Lexus LX470 have been successfully towed for many miles without issue. While I am confident now that an LC Model 100 or LX470 can be towed, I'd like to hear about any updated research into the LC Model 200 and its twin the LX570. As stated above, these newer models use an electronically controlled transfer case; however, there are instructions on the proper sequence to activate "Neutral" on the transfer case.

    The link below is to a popular forum for owners of Land Cruisers where recently an owner of an LC Model 200 was considering towing his after learning how to activate neutral on his transfer case. See link below.

    The same author found this link below on Blue Ox's site showing a kit that is available for a Lexus LX570 for the purpose of flat towing the vehicle.

    For all we know there is only one person out there towing his LX570 and he might be easy to spot due to the sparks emanating from under his rig as he drags it down the highway. I would love to know if anyone has had any future discussion or research into this possibility now that (6 years later) many of the LX570 models are available at reasonable prices to consider as a "toad".

    I have a friend who is active in the local AZ Land Cruiser club which includes an active member who works for Toyota as one of their top service technicians. I may have to join them at an upcoming club meeting just to figure out the answer to my quest.

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