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Thread: WorldNav GPS anybody?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default WorldNav GPS anybody?

    Anybody tried a worldnav GPS? The propaganda says they are designed for people like us.

    My Garmin (upgraded to the 850 with voice recognition) still tries to "save" me time by taking me down little side streets, two land country roads, and even through alleys and backyards. Love the interface, hate the routing. The new ones don't even let you encourage it to tend towards larger roads. I hear the older ones do. I had one a long time ago (over a year! ;-) that would let you set it up for a car, bus, or truck. No longer is this an option. Guess they are selling these to car people. So the WorldNav is an attractive option. Maybe I should fill up my dash with one of each. Then all the voices could just duke it out and I can follow whoever is the winner.

    Hope y'all are well. (Yup, we're playing in Alabama.)


  2. #2
    Joe Cannarozzi Guest


    Where in Alabama are you?

  3. #3
    Jeff Bayley Guest


    Notice that the price of the GPS's increase greatly as you go up in screen size. If you get the Co Piolet for RV, you get to use a huge screen and it's probabley under $150. It's not as intuative as Microsoft Streets and Trips that I use but I never really used much patience with it becuase I was spoied from the ease of use of Streets and Trips. I don't think Streets and Trips makes a truck or RV version. In my coach, the laptop sis on the dash fine without so much as the need for velcro. The software type gives you much greater planning ability and robust features that the portable onesd don't have but I keep a Magellon in the bus also and your joke about letting them duke it out isn't that far off. Somtimes I look at both of them and they'll vary slightly. You can also use a plug in headset and voice regoniton on the software ones for the lap top (I think) to give it commands like zooming in and out while keeping both hands on the wheel. I haven't used that feature but I need to try to set that up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL


    Try selecting "faster time" instead of "shortest route" and major highways should be selected as a priority over slower, smaller streets.

    However, by a little careful if you have the ability to select "bus". I did and soon realized that my Garmin was actually sending me down transit bus only lanes!

    A quick switch to "truck" and all was well.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by phorner View Post
    Try selecting "faster time" instead of "shortest route" and major highways should be selected as a priority over slower, smaller streets.

    However, by a little careful if you have the ability to select "bus". I did and soon realized that my Garmin was actually sending me down transit bus only lanes!

    A quick switch to "truck" and all was well.....
    See, this is what I'm talking about. My old Garmin allowed me to choose from a variety of options, but now I can only choose car, motorcycle, or pedestrian. No bus or truck options! And yes, I am already set on "faster time." Yet it consistently is cutting corners. I think their new software simply just doesn't include help for bigger vehicles.

    I would do the MS program, but I don't like having a computer on my dash all day with my kids around. Additionally, I think it is a windows only program and I'm a mac guy.

    So, I guess nobody here has yet to try this new "trucker's" gps, the WorldNav? If anybody has some experience with it, please let me know. If not, I think I'll buy one, making sure it is easily returnable, and give it a try.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Lake Forest


    I went to the CES show in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, and visted the CoPilot booth. They started out as a company building a software/hardware solution to plug into Window's CE hardware units like HP Ipaq, etc.

    They've expanded now to having both software and embedded hardware solutions. They have a version that is specific for truckers, but I will have to look up the name in my paperwork I brought home. It was only about $150 for a complete hardware GPS solution, and it was designed specifically with truckers in mind, handling things like small roads, height restrictions etc.

    I spoke with a salesman, and they indicated they are considering an RV specific model, but nothing like that exists today.


  7. #7
    dalej Guest


    Ray, was it like a kid in a candy store? I wish you would plan a future rally there

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Lake Forest


    It's always fun. Hooked up with Ron Walker at the show for lunch on Saturday.

    Probably not a great place for a rally, as everyone has to pre-register, and present ID which identifies them as part of the electronics industry.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008



    What do you need to get into that show??

    What laptop programs are available for navigation?? Do you need to plug into your existing GPS or do you get an antenna that plugs into your laptop?

    My nav system is ok but I would love to have a larger screen.
    2008 Millennium H3-45

    2013 Chevy Avalanche

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Lake Forest



    It's not all that hard to get into the show. Some time late this summer, or early fall they will start the registration process for next year. There will be a URL to register. There are a bunch of questions about how you are affiliated with the electronics industry, which you can generally answer somewhat truthfully. There is enough latitude in the categories, and almost everyone can be an industry affiliate.

    I didn't speciifically spend a lot of time looking at GPS stuff. Cobra has gotten out of the GPS market. Garmin is still strong, but didn't have what I thought was a nice larger-screen format for RV use.

    CoPilot was supported on a lot of different hardware, from commercial units to software to run on your PDA or cellphone. They also have a laptop-based product.

    Microsoft Streets and Trips is a good product for trip planning, and comes with a GPS version, which does real-time tracking and routing (I've never personally used that, but use S&T for trip routing).

    I would check out the CoPilot website. Oops, actually just pulled up the brocher. The truck based product is called "PC*Miler Navigator 430". It's available from


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