Anyone can start a Yahoo group for free. People can join the group for free.

Jim Skiff has no business telling anyone how much liability insurance they must have in order to be allowed to be in the group. If he is concerned about the security of POG then maybe he needs to buy liability insurance?

We do not need membership fees or sponsors at all except to provide enhancements at Rallies and to help support Jim Skiff's lifestyle.

I am amazed that after being asked to state his position on this matter, the only posting jim Skiff made was to say Joe needed liability insurance. Joe's activities, postings, donation of service work to the POG charity auctions have all made this a better website. I have long been amazed that there are hardly never direct postings from some of the companies in this business, sponsors or otherwise. Having someone from Prevost, Marathon, Liberty ,etc post direct specific details of their companies position on technical matters would be very welcome. This is sorely lacking. I belong to several other Yahoo groups ( aviation oriented) where the manufacturers do chime in, it is a wonderful addition.

I believe Jim Skiff owes the group a better explanation.