Anybody tried a worldnav GPS? The propaganda says they are designed for people like us.

My Garmin (upgraded to the 850 with voice recognition) still tries to "save" me time by taking me down little side streets, two land country roads, and even through alleys and backyards. Love the interface, hate the routing. The new ones don't even let you encourage it to tend towards larger roads. I hear the older ones do. I had one a long time ago (over a year! ;-) that would let you set it up for a car, bus, or truck. No longer is this an option. Guess they are selling these to car people. So the WorldNav is an attractive option. Maybe I should fill up my dash with one of each. Then all the voices could just duke it out and I can follow whoever is the winner.

Hope y'all are well. (Yup, we're playing in Alabama.)
