Howdy folks,
Haven't posted in a while, put my bus on the market some months back, cleaned it out, and waited for the offers to come rolling in. Waited, and waited.... Oh, we had offers, commercial real estate, sailboats, lots in Florida, etc. Got a business, don't like blow boats, and can't retire to Florida cause I got to pay alimony till 2020.
One guy was close but said he just couldn't stomach the price of fuel. I asked him how much he planned to travel.
Said he'd go to Florida for the winter and drive home in the spring. I suggested fuel was the least of his worries.
So...... anybody want to talk trade? My 05 Liberty double slide for your older model XL2. Your ride would probably need to be a 01 or 02 non slide for there to be enough difference in the money to make it interesting.