Over the last few years, there has been increasing discussion about using LEDs to replace conventional interior (and exterior) bulbs. Cost and limited replacements have always been the greatest deterrent to making the switch. Fortunately, the price has started to come down and there is now a variety of light fixtures and light bulbs available for RV LED lighting. Many of them come in dimmable versions.
Led lights cost more upfront but save energy for years to come after being placed into service. A typical LED emitting the same light as an incandescent bulb will usually draw about 1/10 the current. When you change all the bulbs in your bus, this can be a significant reduction in current draw, and may extend the charge on your house batteries. LEDs also have a much longer life than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. LEDs are projected to last up to 50 times longer than incandescent bulbs. Another plus for LEDs is that they operate much cooler than incandescent bulbs and cause less discoloration of the lenses and may prevent a fire if left on for extended time frames.
Most Camping stores carry an assortment of LED bulbs. Thousands of on-line sellers have excellent assortments of bulbs and fixtures. Switching to LEDs can now be a relatively simple process. You can change the bulb or in some cases, it makes mores sense to change the light fixture. When/if you make the switch, you will be rewarded with longer lasting lights that draw much less power and save money and frustration for the rest your bus's life expectancy. One example of a wholesale supplier:http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale/...ght-bulbs.html