Larry, Just went out and looked at mine. 5th card from the left, bottom bulb lights red when I push the bay light switch in. Fuse sits sideways right under the light.
99 Country Coach 45XL
Jeep Liberty
Jim, thanks. I just looked at the 5th board and the red light comes on when bay lights are selected on. The fuse below the card is good and ALL fuses in M/B eyeball good.
Just have to have an open just prior to the lights, they each have their own ground I believe.
Jim is correct. The lower green LED on card 5 should be on. When the bay light switch is on the red LED next to he one should also light.
Gil and Durlene
2003 H-3 Hoffman Conversion
Gil, our posts crossed in the night. As I posted, my system so far, functions as Jim discribed. Guess I'll have to cut off a chickens head and throw a bunch of bones in the fwd bay to turn on my bay lights.
The last time that happened to me I ran a wire with a fuseable link in it for protection from the power source to the first light-it worked. I then found a chewed wire from some critter- fixed it and all was well-except I never found the critter.
Thanks for the info Norm[?]. I may just try your fix, as I have been unable to find the 'open' in the circuit.
I will add a dumb observation to this. If I had this issue, I would look at the major board in the front bay to see if any lights on the bottom row are anything but green or off. If so, is it possible there is a fuse out on the board on the bottom row?
Pres, I have confirmed that per Jim Kellers post. All appropriate lights are on, all fuses check OK and, power is present on the wire coming out of the 'Mother Board'. I'm thinking the 'open' is between the MB and the first light in the bay, just can't seem too locate it.
Thanks for the input!
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