Another big thumbs up for Troy and his staff at Liberty Coach.

I had a couple of CruiseAir units that were acting up and, after discussing the symptoms yesterday with Troy, he said bring 'er right in.

Now, I usually am very careful to never schedule a service visit on a Friday. It almost never works out without having to spend a weekend waiting either for parts, or to address the add-on work that always seems to get discovered as a result of taking things apart to address the primary problem.

So, I arrived last night with an empty holding tank and a full tank of fresh water expecting to spend an extended weekend visiting Stuart. Figured at best we would be back on the road Tuesday morning.

Well, Troy and his crew jumped right on it first thing this morning and we were done, chilling in the bus with Janice back in her sweater right after lunch...

Thanks, Troy.

Another job well done!