Classic, collector and antique vehicles have had a similar problem and we may be entering that realm with the Prevost of the earlier vintage.
There are specialty Insurers that may be interested in us as a group.
Older buses will end up costing more to repair as the availability of parts becomes difficult to acquire. This is not the case yet, but it surely will come into the picture.

The conversation on this topic thus far is pointing to faulty or the lack there of, of proper maintenance as an issue as to why the Ins is not available for older buses. Is there any evidence to substantiate this? Those of us with a bus that is say 10 years old and keep it up to snuff will not change when the bus becomes 20 years old, if they are still the owner.
Conversely if an owner does not keep his bus up and continually drives a bus within the age limits for insurability, that does not mean he will be a better or safer ins. risk. I think the age of the vehicle has very little to do with the insurance risk and is just some arbitrary number, similar to the age requirement that some campgrounds have, the one year expiration of prescription drugs and the "good until date on food stuffs".
I would like to see the possibility of being insured with the same company I have been with and have had a good history with, when my bus was within their age requirement, when my bus exceeds their age requirement for insurability.
I feel a bad driver can just as well drive a brand new bus and be a far worse insurance risk than a good driver of a bus with the basic up keep maintenance found on most that are in regular use. This is just my opinion.

This is a good topic for any/every POG member. You all have ideas and opinions, lets hear them. There have been comments in the past that the posts are too much about maintenance and technical topics, well now is your chance. Join in, if we all revert to LURKER STATUS there will be no reason to belong. It is every members responsibility to supply CONTENT, even if all it is, is "that's nice" or "way to go"!