Here's what I did ....

1. Went in office.
2. Told girl I wanted to weigh (turns out this wasn't necessary)
3. Drove to scale
4. Position each axle on a different scale (there were 3 or 4)
5. Pushed intercom to tell them I was on scale.
6. They will ask question about trailer number. Answer "private vehicle"
7. Drive back to front, go to fuel desk and pay. It was about $8.00

When I was in Kerrville for the Motosat rally, I "won" a drawing for a free weight check, where they come to your site and measure it there (I think). I'll try to see if I can find my "coupon". Perhaps you can get weighed in Kerrville, if you don't have a chance to try it above.

It was really easy. You get a nice printout with weights on each axle. Perhaps not as good as each wheel independently, but better than not weighing!!