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Thread: Does the Converter matter when buying a 20 year old Prevost?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Jeff Rowe owner of East Tennessee Luxury Coach is a former Liberty technician/manager and extremely knowledgeable. He does conversions on the converters older coaches. My understanding is that Jeff installed the wood floors and breakfast bar in our coach...excellent work!

    We’ve only dealt directly with Austin Hicks. However, I believe Gil and Les and many other POG Forum contributors can better advise based on their own experiences. That said, I believe that any of the sponsors advertising on the Prevost Stuff Home page are reliable and will provide a quality product!

    People liken the interior of many Liberty coaches to visiting a brothel. Having never visited such an establishment, I’ll have to take them at their word? In which case, brothels must be very impressive and beautiful inside. :-)
    They do tend to have more glitz (stainless steel ceilings...which people think are mirrors; perimeter lighting around windows/under counters, etc. - which, for us, adds ambiance. Hmmm, maybe I’m more taken in by brothels than I originally realized? :-)

    Fortunately for us, our coach was a Tommy Bahama themed it made use of bamboo for the cabinetry. What we really appreciate is that everything has rounded edges/corners...less things to run into on a non-slide coach driving down the road.

    Attached is a link to a YouTube video Austin shot a few years back of our coach’s will look even better after Olympia completes their updates - including removing the beige cloth on the valances and columns and brightening it with white fabrics.

    FYI - Austin/Olympia also purchases a lot of Country Coaches, Marathon, Parliament, etc.

    If you find yourself drawn to H3-45 Featherlites...then, I understand that Donnie Myers in Sanford, FL pretty much has cornered the resale market of that conversion. I’ve heard incredibly good things and reviews on his operations, too.

    Les brings up a valid difference between Liberty and other converters. Liberty’s reliance on Cruisair air conditioners on older XL and XLII models...which are basement vs. roof mounted (roof = less expensive and, therefore, easier to replace).

    That said, Olympia replaced one of our Cruisair units with a new; and rebuilt two of the remaining three units.

    A big factor in our decision to purchase a Liberty Coach is their use of Over The Road (OTR) air conditioning...which is what you see on passenger (e.g., Greyhound) and tour busses - where the air vents are along the dash and down the windows throughout the bus. The advantage of this is that you don’t need to run your generator and two roof air units to maintain a cool interior.

    On the plus side, by purchasing an 18-20+ year old coach...they are almost fully depreciated! However, unless you are as extremely mechanically gifted as Mike, etc. - this is why it is SO important to have your coach Zeroed out (including chassis and air/pneumatic systems) and a Level III service done. Also, verify age of batteries (replace house if older than 5-years...highly recommend Lifeline brand); DOT date stamp of every tire...Olympia replaces any tire over 3-years old.

    This gets to your question about how much of the Total price is our initial purchase price, plus any added equipment costs vs. costs of Zeroing-out that Olympia is incurring. A great question!

    If I had to guess...not sure whether Austin is going to realize any/much of a profit from all the work they are doing to our coach? We estimate $30-40K additional for what we have asked to be added (realize that Olympia is covering much of any added Labor cost, too). With other outside vendor costs (Inverter Services, etc.) we were able to purchase at Olympia’s cost vs. us purchasing as an individual retail customer.

    We initially bought our coach in mid-August and hope to have it by end-January 2021. Or, at least in time to attend the POG Prevost Expo in West Palm Beach, FL - February 8-11, 2021.

    Yes, this might seem like a long time (remember, we said they are doing a LOT of work upgrading our coach!). But, not when taking into consideration the nearly two months time lost when Olympia sold their LaVergne, TN building and moved into their new/larger facility in Murfreesboro, TN. Permitting for the building; construction of their mechanical, electrical, carpentry, Parts and Sales areas within the building took awhile. Believe they only paved their parking lot in the last, most of their Inventory of coaches has been kept off-site at a new local campground where they were able to secure Power.

    We told Austin all along that they could take their time...just ensure everything is being done right. Which is exactly what they have been doing for us...including sending some of the upholstery back to better match the seams; sending the coach back to the painter for a re-do - as Austin and Bobby were not satisfied with the first results and effort.

    Deb and I are extremely happy with Olympia...even while we wait patiently for our coach to be done.
    Then again, we’ve said that if we won the Lottery tomorrow - we’d be adopting Austin and Bobby (and their beautiful families) the next day.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by WinterStorm; 12-31-2020 at 07:19 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    San Francisco


    Thanks Greg, all very good information. I watched the video and think I found Olympia's previous spec sheet; are you Coach 536? Very nice.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Yes, that’s us! :-)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Beverly Hills


    2003 and older pretty much keeps you away from processor based system in MOST conversions. So, from a systems standpoint, there's not much risk between converters. Don't think that buying a coach in these years would get you better support from the existing converter than the network of independents that support most orphaned conversions. If you don't love the floor plan and most of the aesthetics, I don't care who converted it, it's not a coach you should consider. Steer clear of pre 2000 slides without understanding the risks.

    Asking most in this group which conversion is the best is like asking which is better a blonde or brunette. In most cases, the answer will be the one the person is married to.

    Gil and Durlene
    2003 H-3 Hoffman Conversion

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    When buying from private partys.....If you ask me people don't put enough importance on the prior owner. The prior owner or owners and how long they owned it for is just as important if not more as the converter that you decide you like the best. If you get a bad vibe from the seller from a personal point of view I think you're making a bad choice if you buy it.

    If the seller is a schnook it's a pretty good possibility the bus is a turd.

    When someones passed away and family members r movig it on u better get the price way way down only God or possibly Gill knows what's there.

    I've said this before and I think it's worth repeating when you buy from a dealer or private owner you're looking for a bus that the prior owner was a multiple bus owner and the only reason why he was selling it was because he's gotten another one or he's gotten old to the point where he can't drive them anymore or one of life's issues has come along forcing him then you're going to probably get a pretty squared away Coach.
    Last edited by Joe Camper; 12-31-2020 at 07:24 AM.
    1990 Peterbuilt 377
    3406 B Caterpillar
    13 Speed Roadranger
    No Norgrens

    1 day on paper no machines

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Hi Chris,
    If you have any misgivings or concerns with your potential coach’s chassis/infrastructure...Joe Camper is the Subject Matter Expert to have perform a PPI on the Prevost portion of the bus! Man knows his stuff...from every comment I have read in this forum and heard from other owners. Besides, Joe has a unique perspective and humorous slant on most things...that will help make your day...while assuring you that your new coach is mechanically sound! Joe is to chassis - what Gil is to electrical and the converter’s portion of the coach! (Gil knows his way around the chassis, too. But, Joe is the one who can build you a new chassis from spare parts!)

    The best thing is that both gentlemen will come to where you/your potential new bus is located to perform the Inspection. And, once you have purchased your “new to you” coach...Joe will let you know when he will be in your part of the country next, if you need anything done of a serious mechanical/rebuild nature. Again, check out this forum for Joe Camper postings, explanations of work being done and photographs.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    My Social Security checks are going to start in September and I've noticed Gill beginning to go senile a couple of years back. I had a Hickox, He went from CC to Hoffman fer cripps sale. Couple of great guys to go to.
    Last edited by Joe Camper; 12-31-2020 at 08:25 AM.
    1990 Peterbuilt 377
    3406 B Caterpillar
    13 Speed Roadranger
    No Norgrens

    1 day on paper no machines

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Simi Valley


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Camper View Post
    My Social Security checks are going to start in September and I've noticed Gill beginning to go senile a couple of years back. I had a Hickox, He went from CC to Hoffman fer cripps sale. Couple of great guys to go to.
    LOL, both of you guys are amazing.
    Mike Giboney
    1992 Prevost Country Coach

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