Hello all you wonderful folks! My name is Shannon Parker, and me and my lovely wife, Soon, are looking forward to buying a Prevost and traveling the country. We have to wait for our son to graduate high school next year, but we are looking for a coach currently. I am 39 and my wife is 36, and to be honest, since I was 5 years old I have been talking about getting a "motor home".. I kid you not. I have researched videos, studied articles online, asked questions, and have ran out of useful info regarding these wonderful machines, so I joined up to POG to read even more. I think we are going to go with a 1995-2000 XL.. Maybe Country Coach?... But Marathon and liberty are also on the radar. I did read somewhere that a gentleman purchased a coach that needed a lot of interior and exterior "work"... And afterwards he regretted not just buying a more expensive coach ready to go. I am very handy with repairing things ( I fix Apple devices for a living)... But I just don't want the coach to look "homemade"... I like the clean "5 star hotel" look. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you know who we are. Have a great day, and drive safe!