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Thread: MADAY! My Auto Power Transfer Switched fried

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Brooksville, Fl. & Franklin, N.C.


    My two cents. In the vicinity of the breaker panel you are close to the Inverter/Chargers. If one of them is working hard you could hear a hum inside the Bus. After sitting without power they would want to charge the house batteries. Is it possible even though the remote switch plates say the chargers are off one is actually on and trying to charge because the remote switch is in the wrong position at the Inverters ?

    Barney, you're doing a good job on this issue. Tell your wife it will not always be this stressful. It just takes a while to work your way through the " New Ownership Issues ."
    Last edited by JIM KELLER; 08-13-2013 at 06:47 AM.

    99 Country Coach 45XL
    Jeep Liberty

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