Mango shares with us the following (from some other, totally unrelated thread):

Now I'm the first guy to promote a full scale LED attack. However, at the risk of bringing down the ire of my peers, I have to comment on taillight LED's.

Unless your doing what Dale did on his bus (very nice job by the way - your wife must've done the work) by replacing the entire fixture I would not just subsititure LED bulbs for the existing bulbs in the same fixture. Reason being is the new LED bulbs do not provide an even "flow" across the lens fixture. It's more of a concentrated light bead in the center of the lens that from a couple of car lengths behind the coach just doesn't quite look right.

I'm in Jon's Dark Side camp on this one.


Let the flamin' begin.

The purpose of this thread, and certainly it will stay on topic, is to better understand the term of 'flow.' Are we talking an aesthetic, thermodynamic or electronic flux capacitance issue here. Before someone launches a frontal attack, we need a better definition of terms here.

How the heck can a guy driving his bus know what it looks like a couple of car lengths behind? Perhaps, instead, this is a commentary on someone else's handy work?

Help me understand, this is all NEWBIE to us at this end.

Creepers, when we hit 40, we won't be able to keep pace with y'all.