I am new to my coach and have found my way around pretty well. I do have a few questions, that I am sure one of you will know the answer to:

1. The white square light above the entry door at the same height as the awning - where is the on/off switch for that - I noticed that there is another on the driver side. What are they for?

2. The stairwell lights - they light up the stairs. They are not working in my coach - is there a separate switch for those as well?

3. My wine glass cabinet - in all the pictures I have seen of other coaches - there seems to be something to hold the glasses so they hang down from the top of the cabinet. All I have is a mirrored top - nothing to hold glasses - what am I missing and is this something I can easily purchase? All I have is a base clear plastic with small holes - too small to hold anything - including wine glass stems. (Not sure if I am being clear).
