On my machine, I was told not to go below a 1/4 tank on fuel, and also told the generator would cut out around a 1/4 tank so you could not suck all your fuel out with the generator while stopped, then have no fuel to hit the road.

From what I read, I have a 160 <+-> gallon capacity. I ran down to a 1/4 tank, but it would only take about 85 gallons (about half).

I don't really want to stop for fuel more often than necessary, but darn sure don't want to run out!

I asked the fellow @ Prevost when it was there for service, and he said that it was a built in reserve amount, and to run it until it indicated empty then look for fuel. He is saying @ empty I have around a 1/4 tank x 8mpg = about 300 miles more or less.

Is that what you guys expreience? Or do you show something different ?
