we have a 2001 royale and have been fighting headhunter issues for what seems an eternity!!!!
replaced leaking pump with their new model and have now added the accumulator tank. we are presently reconnected, however, the toilet flushes fine during the daytime, but when we head to bed and do a "test flush" it flushes and flushes and flushes, etc, etc....long enough to put on your shoes, walk outside around the coach to open the bay and hit the switch to turn the pump off. what a pain...we never know when the endless flush will strike again!! the headhunter guy says it is caused by air in the line, if so why does it only happen occasionally?
we are almost to the point of fighting to get our money back and pursue other options.
we've heard others have abandoned headhunter because of price and problems. we would appreciate any alternatives to our present predicament!!!