Wayne, another way to look at a Prevost purchase, is to find the coach you really like, it may not be a Liberty or Marathon and consequently be priced considerably less, less enough in fact that you can use the savings to build a storage building to put it in. Most converters use the same components ie Aqua Hot, appliances, inverters, batteries ect. Or, consider how much fuel you can buy for 30-40K and enjoy traveling in your Prevost. My point is that when you really look at all of the converters they are all Prevost shells, the difference is the various methods used to "connect all of the components" for the finished product, and the paint job. Then considerations of the best type HVAC systems best fit your needs and where you intend to do most of your travels.....a whole other can of worms! I think you will find a number of so called "orphan" converters during your search, but I have yet to hear of any one of them that an owner has not been able to get repaired. I have been to various Prevost repair centers, and have yet find one that cares who the converter is. They along with other repair facilities, including our site sponsors are experts at repairing our coaches regardless of the converter. I also might add that the members of this forum are extremely helpful and knowledgeable. So pick the coach you really like and don't be afraid of who converted it! Other comments and input will follow this post. (Guaranteed)