While at TGO getting ready to head to PSL, the Green Machine just didn't have the starting juice to get going. My fault, I have been nursing the timed out chassis batteries just too long. Left the charger on all night (3 stage) and in the morning it just wouldn't roll it over fast enough. Not the chargers fault, Brian put in the best, the batteries are just wore out.

So, a call to Andre for help was answered with him being there in 5 minutes ready for action. I had already pulled the jeep up close and was getting ready to hook up at least 12 volt to see if it would be enough. Sure enough, jeep power was enough to fire it up. Andre came to the rescue with his golf cart and we would have had access to 24 volt if the jeep thing didn't work.

Moral of this story.... don't procrastinate on maintenance items. I have been dancing around the battery issue for the last couple trips and I knew better!

And if you need help, make sure your near Andre!