Quote Originally Posted by Gary & Peggy Stevens View Post
I wanted to ask if anybody has an electric / gas cart or golf cart that Peg can use while we are at the rally to help her get around?

She fractured her right foot Labor Day weekend, and her foot is in a cast so getting around is very difficult for her. ( she fractured it kicking me in the butt, if you need to know )

If anybody has a cart we can borrow, we would appreciate you letting us know. gstevens7@comcast.net

They don't have anything at the resort for rent.

I never thought of you as a hard ass, Gary. She must have really been peeved.
How about I bring you a wheelchair so you can roll the Princess around wherever she wants to go.
Also, you might check around in Houston and see about renting a handicap scooter for a week or so.