Hello Andre,

We are relaxing in Nova Scotia, forced to spend endless hours staring at the ocean, taking hikes, Kayaking, biking on the trails nearby, eating huge volumes of Mussels in white wine, Seafood Chowder and other unpleasant stuff.

We had not planned on selling 0533 until the season was over, had even told the salesman we would not be able to show it, turned down 4 showings, was not making friends of my sales rep. He called me and said he had a deposit from a customer who new the bus, its history, and the previous owner. wanted it in 3 days, would pay cash and just wanted a look see and drive away, YES or NO was all we had to say. You know the rest. That easy.

Still evaluating our bus/coach options, really want to head back out, but do not want to hurry, rush out and make a poor decision in effort to have wheels under us. Am weighing my need to Boat and Bus at the same time again verses placing all into a Bus, great time to buy, although the selection is getting thinner by the day across the board, Marine and RV, nobody is manufacturing no banks are lending at rates that make much sense, and dealers are left with very little inventory, it does make for interesting times.

We will see all of you at some point, your not done with us yet.