After the flurry of requests by folks looking to find a place to have their Cruisair serviced, I left a comment on the Cruisair website about the lack of information relative to having these units serviced in RVs and not boats.

Then I get a call back last week from one of the Cruisair big dogs and here is the JDUB version of his response.

My takeaway from the call is that they have a 24 hour service number that you can call and one of three guys who are always on call will return your call within 20 minutes (their goal) and should be able to find the closest, competent source of service available.

Their issue with publishing this on the web is that there is a lot of movement in the RV industry and while a certain company "may" have had a factory trained or competent service guy last week, there is no guarantee he will be there this week or that he may have gone to work for someone else.

Since they are always supplying parts and technical skinny to the folks in the trenches every day, they have a pretty good handle on who can fix their stuff and they want to ensure the RV guys that you can source a good service location from them in short order.

Their number - 804-663-9454

I'd write this one in my tally book for sure.