Just got back home from a 3 week, 5000 mile trip. Five provinces and five states. Great trip for the maiden voyage. Everything ran perfectly. The OTR needs attention, recharge but I suspect an upgrade will be on the agenda but will I'll deal with that later. The three cruise airs worked fine.....good to go in the northern areas at this time of year.

Question: Hot flashes. I know what the wife means now...... I sure someone can answer this. Traveling down the road for a couple of hours, I'll get flows of very warm air in the drivers compartment, even with the front and mid cruise airs working. It comes and goes. Every 10 -15 minutes and continues on. I thought it might be the two vapourisers? working hard in the front, below the cabin. .......but I turned off the cruise airs and it continued,,,,,,, even over a long cool down period of time...... any ideas? Is this common.

Over the three weeks and all the country we covered, I only saw four other prevost conversion coaches on the road.......
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, NY State, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota