Well since the governor called and I got a stay of execution (didn't have to fly to Libya today), I thought we needed to start the post rally thread and let the lying begin.

I will start by saying what a great time Rae and I had driving from Oklahoma with Chris, Debbie and MangoMike. I had never traveled in mass with other coaches, so that just added to the fun. I can only imagine what the California guys went thru.

Tom (truk4u) really helped us out at the Balloon Fiesta and that was worth the two days spent there. Plus, AP bought a coach cleaning company in the process, so I feel better about the meager amount of money I contributed.

As we have always said, people make this work and without the folks in attendance, it would not have been as good a time. It was good to meet the new folks (except Dale) and A1 and Mike both gave very nice presentations. Harry's dent repair was exceptional (except the part where Dale helped)

Changes from POG I

Sante Fe Skies was pretty nice (thanks ColoradoBus) and the folks were very helpful.

The meeting room was great, but almost too small for the 50+ that we ended up having. This is a nice problem, but the projector and screen helped a bunch.

The food was good (if you like spicy Mexican food), so good thing Lew and his weak stomach were in Florida. And I appreciated the hot breakfast.

The Bling Contest was a hit, but I can't do it more than once a year. MM is a bling monster, so I don't want to invest thousands of dollars in R&D to compete with him If Roger or A-1 put anything else on their coach, it will start looking like an Art Car (Google-Art Car Houston)

The name tags were good, but why did everyone of them have Jon A-1 on the back?

Chicks at the spa? We need to hold POGIII far from retail shopping and spa territory. This cost us some LewBucks.

I know there is more, but I also missed Helen Raymond, "The Sled Dog" and I will never forget Nancy's name again

Jan - You are a saint. (Dale's wife)

Changes for POGIII

The Newbies from POGII to handle arranging the technical sessions for POGIII

Kevin Erion to clean everyone's coach as they arrive at the rally.

Dale to photograph each couple with their coach for Christmas Card quality prints

Ken Z will hold a sautee and camp cooking workshop (complete with coordinated chef's hat and apron)

Ray Davis' seminar will include "Multiple Uses for Your Sat Dish" including Controlling the Mars Lander From Your Coach, ICBM Interdiction, Staging Laser Light Shows and my favorite, "Fuel Mileage Improvement - Using Your Dish as a Sail"

Also, Chris "AP" Yates will handle the seminar, "Random Buttons in Your Coach - Push them Wisely" followed by "CB Etiquette - When to just turn it off.."