I bought a stand up Jet Ski for myself that fits just perfect in the front bay and with a beach dolly I can shove it around by meself and launch it without a toad which we never tow. Now I need something for Stefanny and she likes a Kayak but that won't fit in the bay. The one's we are looking at are about 14-16 feet long. I'm thinking roof storage for that as I think it is narrow enough to go between the roof A/C's and the side of the bus. My first thought is to use sheet metal screws to fasten a hard roof rack up there to rachet and/or bungee it to. I know the roof thickness is pretty thin so I may need to use some adhesive for good measure on the rack along with the screws (silconed of course) to keep from saying "Ooops, where did it go" when we stop.

Has anyone got anything like this (photos would be great) or have any of you thought of doing it and vetoed it after all things considered ? To get to it, I have a telescoping ladder. Roof storage and a ladder around back alwasys something I thought would be useful if it didn't coble up the look of the bus.

Suggestions ?