Quote Originally Posted by Petervs View Post
The reason you want a macerator pump is:

To empty the tank at a location that does not have a normal sewer connection. Maybe you are staying at a friends house and the tanks are full. You connect a garden hose ( one specifically designated for this duty only) and run it into the house and right into a toilet or washing machine drain . Turn on pump, problem solved. You can pump it 5 to 10 feet higher than the tank outlet, so you have many more options than just running onto the ground.

You can also use it to empty the gray tank ( if you have separate tanks) since it always seems to fill up first. You can just run it into the bushes , away from the coach by the distance equal to the length of your hose. It beats just dumping on the ground under the coach.
You could also simply use their toilet......course that wouldn't be as much fun as dragging a hose across hardwood floors, carpeting or perhaps throough a window! Should they have a septic system, tanks usually around 2000 gallons, might cause them some grief there too as that is way to much effluent at one time and the stuff works its way up through the shower pans....probably won't be invited back.

All I am saying is that I have used these damn things for years on boats and 1 in 4 times it may work. As mentioned watch what happens when Kotex goes through it, or tries. The system is unsanitary, stinks, leaks (sooner or later)...oh what the hay, a little e boli never hurt anyone.

It may be convenient as Ray mentioned but do the ends justify the means? I think not.
