Anybody here sick and tired of their GPS? Or is it just me? I have a late model Garmin GPS 680. Software is up to date. Lately, I have been using it in my car around my home area and I have found that MOST of the time, it takes me the wrong way. By wrong, I mean that it takes me down small, obscure side streets, always taking longer, often increasing the complexity of the drive. It regularly takes me on roads that I could not get my bus down. It frequently takes me to abandoned buildings... such as the time we were near Memphis and it took me to what it thought was a Target Store.... ended up at some unrelated office building. Never was there a Target at that location.

When I am in a place that I don't know, I go where it tells me to go. Through experimentation in my home area, I realize that this little gizmo has no f***en idea what the heck it is doing. The other day I wanted to go to a Starbucks. It took me off the highway, down 3 different busy side streets and dropped me right at the starbucks front door... which, coincidental, was right off the next highway exit with easy access in all directions. What's the deal.

Anybody have a model or brand of GPS that they are happy with? Or should I just get a really good paper map and use my wireless internet to figure out where I want to go. I have "The Next Exit" and am in the market for a good paper map of the US.

Thanks for any advice.
