Thanks Jon. I'm way ahead of you there. I printed off your inspection document and am using it as my bible. It is a great piece of work! The overall condition of this coach is probably what really struck me on the initial inspection. The next trip will be "button pushing day". I plan to make a check list from your document and my wife will be following me with the video camera. I plan on at least 2 cups of coffee before starting so that all 3 brain cells are up and running. Memory cells seem to be on extended vacation but the video should help. In the boat world we use "marine surveyors" anytime we are seriously contemplating a purchase. They have a very specific approach to checking out a boat. I have a great surveyor and will be using his report from my last boat as a "go by" for the coach inspection along with your stuff. I will report back. Thanks to all for the continued support and advice. BTW, is MPD a disease that can be treated with anything other than money injections?

Hugh (D'Bug)