Powertech sent me a new and improved regulator, but the wiring through the harness to the gen would have to be changed, a real nightmare. They found a used servicable in stock and sent it to me free of charge, allowing me to return the new one for a 300.00 credit. Great service from Powertech... There are new (old style regulators) still available from the vendor for about 350.00. So if this one goes south, a replacement can be found by going to the following company: http://surplusman.com/contactus.php.

Now the volatage is set at 120 - 122 and all is good. Makes a big difference in available amps when you have the full 120 to work with.

Old Regulator

New Style

PS - I'm not posting this on the other board as I don't want to hear all the pissing and moaning about POG, pictures, etc. Also, how can I get all this into the info part of the site?