There is not only inconsistency between the different converters, there are differences in the coaches by the same converters.

My Elegant Lady has a chassis battery charger. Some Liberty coaches do not. So it is no wonder there are differences between converters. But as a coach changes hands the owners also modify the coaches so it is important to either get a very thourough checkout on the coach when you buy it (nobody does because they are so anxious to drive it) or spend the time required to look and learn every feature and device.

I'll repeat this again: If something is pulling down your chassis batteries you need to find out what that load is. There should be no loads on the chassis batteries with the key off, and ESPECIALLY with the large Prevost master switches turned off. If that is not the case, at the very least you have a fire hazard, and you likely are going to have battery problems plague you during your years of ownership.