
This reminds me of my stay at Beaudry's in Tucson. I booked a space there for a couple of days and they ask me what kind of coach I have. Then a couple of days later, a really nice lady calls to confirm my reservation and mentions that they are a Prevost conversion dealer and would I be interested in viewing their coaches while we were there.

I said, "Sure" as I was as curious to see the new coaches as I was to hear the sales pitch.

And of course, they call me the day before we are due to arrive to make sure we will be there and ask me when I would like them to come by in the golf cart and pick me up.

The guy shows up in the cart at the appointed time, picks Rae and me up and heads for the showroom.

He then asks, "Well what kind of RV are you interested in?"

I say, "Well you just picked us up in front of our Prevost, so I don't think we are interested in trading down and your people called me about looking at your Prevost inventory, so why don't we do that."

He hems and haws then pulls in in front of the showroom and heads inside. We cool our jets.

After about 5 minutes (it's only 110 outside), he saunders out of the place with his long face on and announces, "Well, you know it is Sunday and they don't let us have the keys to the Prevosts, so they are locked up and we can't get to them and can't get anyone down here to unlock them for us."

Now this guy told me he was a former CEO of some company and had retired to Tucson and in looking for something to kill the boredom, took up RV sales as a hobby and had been the top salesman at Beaudry's this last year.

Now, I don't think this guy knew crap from fat bacon about a Prevost and I figure a trip to Camping World to buy one will produce a story not too many versions removed from the one I just told.

This will end up as a booger CW won't be able to fling off their finger.....