Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know what's happening with me...
First I'm sorry I couldn't make the Rally...I really wanted to but had to make a choice... I wanted to save every nickel I could in case I find the Pre for me in Fl..while I'm down there for the whole winter...

l have 5 to look at here and there in Fl..If I fall in love and can swing one of them you'll all be the first to know...especially Jon, Jim, and others I've talked to...You all know how we feel about Pre's...there's nothing like them on the face of the earth..I get goose bumps just getting in one...

I leave tomorrow...in my 98 Dolphin...pulling my 97 Cavalier Convertible..
I have my name Journey One on top on all four sides of the Dolphin and on the Doors of the Cavalier...so if you should see me on I-95 heading for Fl..from NJ...please blow your horns loud and clear if you can't hail me down...I'd love it if you did...!!! Maybe I could meet one of you in Person...

My first stop is in Jax. Beach where a friend will follow me the rest of the way to the second GT at Ft. White..Had one there last year with 30 some rigs showing up...it was wonderful...so going to go there again this Nov.10th to 13th...Then I just roam...looking at Pre's first and then visiting the 5 friends I have spread all over Fl...

I forgot to do the fridge yesterday...so it's making me leave a day late...Last thing I think about is eating when I know I'm due to get in the rig and go...lol...
Warmest of Hugs to you all....Viv...
"I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep driving."

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