Feels like I won the 12 Volt Lottery today!!

I managed to blow the 12 volt fuse that protects the electric dump valve circuit this morning. Actually, I wasn't paying close enough attention to what I was doing because I was involved in a heavy conversation with Lew, but that's another story for another time....

Anyway, when I realized that the ONLY dump valve wasn't properly functioning, I immediately sprung into action. However, a schematic drawing or a fuse listing of any kind for the 12 volt panel in my Liberty was not to be found. Nothing..... Nada....Zilch....

So, I figured that I just had to simply start pulling fuses and, hopefully, I would eventually find the culprit. 'Cause I had nothin' else to do all day...

BUT, as I pulled out the very first 10 amp fuse, it was blown and a quick replacement put me immediately back in the waste tank dumping business!!

Felt like I hit the 12 Volt Lottery!!!!!

Now then, since I don't get this lucky more than once a decade, is there a fuse chart for the 12 volt side of a 2000 Liberty??? Plenty of Prevost documentation, but I can find nothing by the converter.

Suggestions anyone??