For those of you who may have tuned into this site since, say May of 06, I may be able to save you a great deal of time.

Y'see, none of the parties on this board had actually met before POG I, and actually proposed to stay in their coaches at the rally for fear that they may not like each other.

Ultimately, we were in fact able to get them out of their coaches, timid souls that that were at that time. Now, sitting comfortably before their computers, they are using whatever little testosterone they have left in their systems to challenge other members, probing for weaknesses to pounce upon. Some have even bought new campers to show their prowess amongst the other members. These folks have become the Raptors.

Then there are the Raptor Prey, and I must admit that I am among that group, not even owning a bus at this moment. And the individual often referred to as resinmobileman, plasticman, etc. Perhaps there are those amongst us who have not taken the Secret Handshake recently, so we will have to simply be Prevost enthusiasts and there is certainly nothing wrong with that...as we have all been Prevost enthusiasts at one time or another.

So what you are seeing amongst the many posts is the screeching of the Prevost Raptors, seeking out their prey just before the beginning of POG IV. This is normal behavior and don't be surprised by it.

By the end of the rally, much may be revealed as to the true nature of many things.

The prize will undoubtedly go to the person who has the courage to be the first person up to do Karaoke.

Now that takes guts.