I have observed that our webmaster or site owner has kept non-sponsor companies from posting or participating on our forums and in our seminars at rallies in the past.

It is my opinion that as a business enterprise the owner has the right to make and enforce rules as he sees fit. But with our growth as a group, and with so many technical topics that are likely to be of interest I am wondering how we as a group and how the webmaster can get all of the needs met. Let me cite a few examples.

I have posted that I wished Prevost and the converters would read our forums and post answers to questions when appropriate. My guess is that could be accomplished if they were granted membership in POG. They don't have to be a sponsor under that scenario, but they do have to pay up just like everyone else. The benefit to us is we get answers from the very folks that engineered our conversions or the bus. The benefit to the converters or Prevost is they get to hear exactly what their customers are saying about them and the product.

Here is another scenario. Allison, Detroit, and Michelin are unlikely sponsors, but I would be very happy to have each of them put on a technical seminar and maybe even be available at a rally for service. I can't see them being POG members or sponsors, but the benefit to POG to have them participate in rallies with us would be tremendous.

To Jim and Jeff and all POG members....what are your thoughts. We are getting bigger and as such we will be able to have situations such as the above much more likely in the future. In the past it may have made sense to freeze out non-sponsors or non-members but I think the momentum on the sites makes them attractive to sponsors and inviting potential sponsors or even technical gurus to our rallies and forum only increases the POG membership and forum participation.

Just thinking out loud here.