
Careful what you wish for! I thought it would take about 6 months to sell Big Red, then Whamo, gone in 45 days. The price was right, cash deal and I thought, yippee, on to the next one. Now I wish it would have taken 6 months, Mrs Truk and I sure miss that bus. I couldn't be part of the 2 bus owner group and I thought I was way ahead of the curve selling now and then looking for the next one, but I haven't seen anything that compares to what I had even jumping up a couple years.

So, since we had all these paid for plans for the summer, I bought a plastic (gasp) gasser to get us through the summer. Here I am in a campground somewhere in VA just beginning the 4 week excellent adventure with a case of MPD you can't even imagine. Just think, here we are, no inverters, no insta-hot, no trash compactor, do dishwasher, no air level, no sat, no gen auto-start and a funny sounding thing up front that sounds like a motor!
And now gas is more expensive than diesel...

So, think long and hard before you part with the bus, but if you do, I know you'll make the right decision for you and your family. How would you like to be in my place when I end up in Oshkosh next week and have to take all the abuse from Mango and Jdub, then on to Sturgis where Bill and Jody will not cut me any slack.. Sure glad Tuga will be there for moral support.

I would post a picture of my 2006 gasser, but I just can't take the abuse yet, I need more time.

Jeep - Bite me!