I've been taken to task, and had my post edited, supposedly for using the word "mex*can". According to the person who edited the post, POG has mex*can members who were offended. I'm confused. The only thing I can tell was edited was my reference to Rastafarians which I believe is a religion. At any rate, since I'm told I commited this offense, I feel the need to let you all know how I really feel about this ethnic group of people. 36% of the employees of my corporation are mex*cans. I find them to be a hard working, god fearing, family loving people who are very loyal to their employer.
I am in turn loyal to them, treat them with respect, and think of them as part of my family. One employee in particular stands out in my mind. I refer to him as "the son I never had," and tell everyone that he is in my will. This should tell you all that the purpose of my story was not to throw off on mex*cans. It was merely an attempt to pass along the sometimes humorous trials and tribulations of owning and operating a million dollar piece of machinery. So you see, I'd be the last person to slander the name of a group of people I have the utmost admiration for. If YOU were offended, PLEASE, send me a private message and let me know. Otherwise... I smell a rat.