Ellen & I were on our way up to Virginia on I-95 when we were attacked by a tractor trailer's steel belted " alligator ". We were in the passing lane and observed the vehicle ahead of us swerve to miss an object in the road...which turned out to be a very large piece of a tire. The vehicle hit the debris and it was thrown into the drive slow lane...clear of our path; however a tractor trailer in the right hand lane ran over it and propelled it into the front of our coach. We stopped at the next rest area to assess the damage and were shocked to fine this piece of tire attached to the front of our coach by a strand of the steel cord rapped around our bumper bolt. It smashed the high beam lamp and put some deep scratches in the stainless. Time to call Eastwood for compound and other supplies. This was a very heavy piece of tire and thankfully it did not go through the windscreen or go under the bus and damage the engine or drive train. Ken & Ellen