
1000 Thanks to everyone on POG that helped Make my Bus Life Easier. This support has made it possible for me to own a Prevost and still sleep good at night knowing there was someone on POG that could help solve any problem that might develop, and do it with spirit.

1000 Thanks for the many laughs. Daily I can't wait to get online to see what some of you knuckleheads have posted. Mrs. Mango usually just shakes her head when I relay some of the posts and mutters something about getting a life... (Personally I think this life is the one to get).

1000 Thanks to all the current friends I have met via POG, Stuff and the Bus, and to the future friends I'll meet via this forum. Everyone one of you has enrichen my life in one way or the other. (Except for, well, you know who you are .

You guys (and Debi) are the best!
