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Thread: We are first time Prevost owners and have just contracted for a 2000 H3-45!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    West Jefferson

    Default We are first time Prevost owners and have just contracted for a 2000 H3-45!

    First let me say that this site is invaluable! We have been members for about a year and a half and have found the information here to be incredibly useful while searching for our coach. We would like to know what people use for TV and Internet? We really need Wi-Fi at least, but do enjoy TV. Our question today is what most people use for TV and internet or do you just watch DVDs or what? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021


    Really, the sky is the limit. I have a Winegard HD DirecTV dish that I use while stationary. There are in motion domes available, but limited or no HD content with them. (at least for DirecTV). My coach has the capability to hook-up to cable if available at the park. It's also capable of "Over The Air" if necessary. I have an Apple TV for streaming content. It also serves up media files via an application named PLEX. As far as internet (WIFI), I use a Pepwave router with a cellular modem hooked up to it. This serves up my wifi network in the coach. The router has the capability of also plugging into a hardwired router if the park has an ethernet port available.

    So.....I'm sure there are other methodologies employed, but this serves me well. Honestly, more electronic entertainment than needed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    West Jefferson


    Thank you tnjet! Your information is exactly what I needed. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019


    We have AppleTV devices behind each TV. So the AppleTV device, laptops, Nest smoke detectors and anything else that needs network access all connect to a common router which connects to a MIFI puck with unlimited data. When we're at 'home' the common router is redirected to the house WIFI and the MIFI puck is put into vacation mode ($14/mo). The MIFI puck uses Sprint network and is available from FMCA thru their TechConnect service. $49/mo.
    Gotta be FMCA members, but it is great value for truly unlimited network access. We watch streaming movies every night. Of course there's a few places that don't have Sprint service, then we use our Apple Phones (AT&T) tethering which is limited in monthly data caps, so no streaming movies via iPhones. If neither Sprint nor AT&T cellular are availble, then we try the local WIFI from the campground, although this is frequently a waste of time. If none work we play cards or read. But due to employement needs, we can't stay long at places that don't have Sprint or AT&T. Retirement in December will change that dynamic for us.
    Hope that helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2019



    I have traveled throughout the USA both inland (with bus) and coastal (by boat) and have found Sprint and T-Mobile to be great in metropolitan areas, but not so great in rural area's. What has your experience been with Sprint since Sprint and T-Mobile have merged?

    Chuck & Katrina
    2000 Featherlite
    H3-45 Double slide
    2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Diesel

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2021


    I have the Sprint plan, provided through FMCA Tech Connect +. I've had it about a year now and found it to be perfectly adequate. By that, I mean we have been able to stream 1080 (HD) content just about anywhere we go. I have quit trying to use the RV Park's internet due to the reliability of the Sprint MIFI. As a benefit, it is also compatible to connect via USB to the Pepwave Surf SOHO router. That is a big plus for me as the cell modem is always online and no need to connect via a wifi connection between the two. Anecdotal, but I believe its much faster that way. I've never had much luck "rebroadcasting" a wifi network onto another network. Too much loss in speed doing that.

    I failed to mention above, but I have a 4 input video switcher which allows me to select any of my 4 inputs on any of my 4 TV's. (Yea, I know.....4 TV's on a 45 foot coach? It's rediculous). So, I can be watching DirecTV in the Salon, while watching Apple TV in the bedroom, while watching a DVD outside on the basement TV. Again......too much electronic entertainment for one coach!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2019


    I've been surprised at the number of places that our MIFI device has been adequate. Mostly great. It's the rare location that we can't get one of the two, but in those cases it's not surprising and likely a place we won't stay long. I can't say i've seen any difference since the Sprint/T-Mobile merger. I also have a range extender, which we used regularly along the Oregon coast when we were just using AT&T, but with the Sprint addition, i don't think we've needed the extender since. Besides it was a PITA to setup and use.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    West Jefferson


    Hi Joe,

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to share so much information. I had never heard of a MIFI so I Googled it. It appears that the MIFI should handle about all of our needs. I will research FMCA's TechConnect to see all that they offer. I also need to research your AppleTV devices. I have a lot to research based on your information and can't wait to get started. Hope to see you down the road to thank you in person sharing.

    Safe travels...

    Tom and Jane Adams
    2000 Featherlite Vantare H3-45
    Double Slide
    2015 Dodge Ram Laramie 4X4 (Toad)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    We no longer use satellite TV. We have the hardware to support data streaming from Verizon, AT&T or T-Mobile... whatever is the strongest. The only issue we have experienced was at a NASCAR race where the systems were overloaded due to the large number of fans at the race. Normal over the air TV broadcast is usually available during times like that. Streaming is "the next big thing" (already here) and Elon's StarLink system will soon be available for mobile applications too.

    We don't normally watch TV while driving but it is certainly available when streaming. We do usually have Amazon music or SiriusXM music streaming.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    West Jefferson


    Hi Les, and thank you for your feedback. There is so much stuff out there that it is a tremendous learning curve. I need to get familiar with how to stream and I'll start researching Musk's Starlink now.

    Thank you again for your time and I hope to see you down the road.

    Safe travels...

    Tom Adams

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