I'm in the process of replacing both my seats. One reason i didn't just reupholster them was that I wanted 3-point seatbelts. The older coach seats only had the two-point lap belt. I priced them and found it wasn't much different going thru Marathon (coburg). They outsource the drivers seat to Prevost, the co-pilot seat is done thru Villa. By sourcing the leather/thread themselves, then sending to those two builders, Marathon can ensure the seats match. Bonus: The new co-pilot seat is 3 inches narrower, leaving a bit more room to walk thru. Let's be honest, the original co-pilot seats were simply wider than necessary. Of course the full body vibrator feature is a big hit for whichever of us is sitting in the passenger spot.
We spent several hours drooling over various leather options with one of their designer helping.
The results are stunning and have really transformed the look of the coach, particularly as you enter.