In a little over a year, we've grown here on the board. As of this writing, there are a bit over 11,000 posts.

We still have lurkers out there and when they want to, they jump in.

A few observations:

-It seems as if most people have pretty much figured out the ways of posting a picture. There are some browsers which require an additional step, but we haven't had any complaints for a bit about that.

-Don't be afraid to use the SEARCH function, which is the third from the right in the top bar of the board. Since many of our threads have tended to veer off a little from the original topic, it may be difficult to find what you thought you might be looking for. Use at least two or three words to refine your search as we have covered a lot of ground so far.

-There is an Ignore Post function. If you don't wish to look at a particular person's posts, go to their profile in the upper right hand corner and click Ignore Post while you are signed in.

-There is a new version of the software for this forum available and the decision has been made to not install it until after POG III, so as to insure stability of the system between now and then. It will likely get messed up later.

-There have been some instances when the site has been down for short periods of time. This has been due to technical work on the site. Sometimes we're not aware that the service is being done at that moment, but for the most part, it seems the move to the dedicated server has done its job.

-Many users have found new and interesting ways of utilizing the forum. Please share them with us!
