
Stay away from Candlestick RV Resort; it is operated by the city of San Fransico and is located in a rough neighborhood. I had to move 3 times before I found good 50 amp service. Sites are narrow. It is an asphalt parking lot across from Candlestick Park. However it is close to the sites.
I think your best bet would be San Fransico RV Resort in Pacifica. Any park will have narrow sites because of the land costs. In the Napa area, we stayed in Valleigo, CA (can't remember the name of the CG). It too was crowded, but nice gravel sites. You can drive into SF daily and also be close to the wineries in Napa.

Zephyrcove RV Resort is the clear winner in Lake Tahoe.

Yosemite: If you can't stay inside the park, I would stay at Mono Vista RV Resort on Hwy 395 in Lee Vining, CA. Coming from Lake Tahoe on Hwy 395, it is close to the east entrance to Yosemite. It is located on Mono Lake and I've heard that the views are breathtaking. It is Big Rig friendly, however the sites are grass. Reservations are suggested.

You are right about San Diego, Chula Vista is the best bet. It is a fabulous park, 5 stars. The Valencia Hotel in La Jolla is a great place to eat. LaJolla is really neat. Expensive!!!!

Have fun!