Quote Originally Posted by rickdesilva View Post
However now the problem is, fuel is scarce partially because some fuel stations have no power and I assume the supply line is disrupted because of the storm. About 50% of the homes still have no power and now gas has been rationed so even if you have a generator, getting fuel for it isn't easy lines are a mile long and you wait for hours.
Question from Wisconsin. Having lived and worked in Manhattan from 2002 to 2005 we have many friends in the impacted area and have watched the news accounts with great interest; seeing the long lines for fuel, Chris Christy's even-odd announcement yesterday, etc.

Why aren't gas stations with fuel being hooked to generators? Isn't there 10's or 100's of thousands of gallons of gasoline sitting in the ground in tanks just waiting for electricity to dispense? Or is everything bone dry?

I realized late Friday that news about the aftermath of Sandy was starting to wither on the local TV and news papers ... much like Katrina.