I was not implying that Texas would levy a fine against an outsider with different plates. I was providing the example of what a home state trooper can do to an offender if obviously found out in his/her home state. With all due respect, they do not use the term "avoid" in Texas. It is an "evasion" of the RST (road use tax) levied by the State of Texas. If false information is provided to the Trooper, it is considered "obstruction". Obviously ths is a personal deal by deal situation. These vehicles used on the public highways have a place because they are supporting the tax burdens of the states in which they are used by paying their appropriate share of the costs of maintenance, etc. That is the theory anyway. In the case of the gentleman form MA, perhaps he could call on his Senator Kerry who just last year was found to have his sailing yacht moored in MA yet registered out of state. What a deal.