OK, Here is a update on the warranty I have applied for concerning the fan clutch replacement. I called Good Sam Extended Warranty Claims Dept, The first thing they ask is why I did not call them to have the repair authorized. I told them I did not have the number to call in the coach it was in V.A. and I was now calling to get info needed to expedite the claim. as I had to pay out of pocket for the repairs. Here is what I was told, First they need a copy of the invoice, with Vin # of the coach, and the mileage. It has to be signed by me and the service manager at the repair facility. They wanted the Prevost warranty on the part and the repair shops warranty on the labor, In this case Liberty did the work. All items sent had to have the policy number written on them, I faxed the three page report today. I am sure every one on this site and me! will be interested in the outcome, since this issue of extended warranty benefits pro's and con's has been discussed. Let you have a blow by blow as this plays out hopefully to my pocket books benefit. Gary