I have used this site many times and just assumed everyone else knew about it.

When John Klopp and I were getting our Prevost trraining in Nashville this summer one of my instructors spent a lot of time teaching how to get the maximum use out of the site and I realized I hadn't even scratched the surface at finding all it can do for us.

The diagrams are not something anyone can just sit down and look at and understand because there is rarely a single system or diagram on a single page so it takes a lot of work with the mouse and key strokes to pull it all together, but once you do there is little you cannot answer. Same is true of pneumatics which are on a single page and will require you to blow up sections to get the needed detail. But it is all there if you are willing to take the time.

I read how other coach owners (I won't name names but their initials are MCI) beg for diagrams and technical information and here we have Prevost making every thing we need available to us.

Roger, I have MiFi. (4G). Now if I can just learn to turn my cell phone on all the time, just not when I want to use it. Not!