Just when I was pretty much rally out in 2011 another POG rally took place last Monday. In order to be counted your bus had to be on the lift at Ft. Worth Prevost Service.
7:15 Alan goes in with 06 XLII Marathon
7:30 Ken goes in with 04 Featherlite
8:05 Al goes in with 05 XLII Marathon
Thats like a 777 slot machine for Prevost I'm sure. Getting my pinion seal replaced and a small air leak on my engine belt system. Bill Bunch had found a very small leak on the reg/dump valve at Austin.
In the process of fixing the regulator Bubba (service mgr.) suggested installing a small one way check valve and a DOT fitting at the air supply to valve.
Hectors fittings of choice whenever the original fails and Techs choice also.
We had a great time and were pleased to meet the new branch manager Carl Boulet He was checking to be sure our service was up to our expectation. Yes, it was.
I left for KC at 12:30 and left my buddies with the slot machine still rolling.