well with all the help from various members,we will be headed to the ballon festival,in New Mexico,then south to San Antonio/we will miss the pog convention.get together?We were not members when we made reservations,and did not know about it/Hope to bring some cool wet weather from the pacific n/west.Our kids live in San Antonio,and my wife Gayle was born there.We will be picking up a jeep we purchased from Ed Martine,and hope to meet the seabyrds,who have helped a stranger in need/mabe we can work in the Wichita get together/Does anyone know of storage facilities around canyon lake or Kerrville,hill country? We plan to leave our coach for winters,and stay a month or two each winter/we will be arriving around the 12th of Oct/Wish the pog group was around 30 years ago when we started bussing./joe/redprevost