Talk about timing, today on the run home from Mytle Beach SC, I lost a pin out of the Blue ox tow with an H2 Hummer. All this in bumper to bumper traffic and thank God 55 mph instead of 65 or 70mph. I made a hole real quick with a H2 scooting down the road sideways and bouncing off the retaining wall of a bridge. Looked like Kyle Bush getting a Darlington stripe according to eye witnesses.

It was a miracle no one was hurt - nor the bus and not even the hummer. Safety chains and the remaining drivers side pin held it all together. Somehow the violent back and forth cut the electric cord into two short wires.

Fortunately I was able to fire up the Hummer, back up a few feet, retrieve a new pin from the extra pin drawer, hookup, and resume the trip. After changing my pants.

I will definitely be getting some new pins, locking that is.